Week 8 Genealogy Resources—Ancestry Library

Sunday November 18, 2012

With nearly 75% of Americans interested in family history, and history required in schools, genealogy and local history information is in demand. The State Library provides Ancestry Library as a link to the past to help students and patrons. This resource offers access to historical books, census records, indexes and more. Be careful—once you start exploring, you might join the family history craze (if you haven’t already!)

Ancestry Library contains over 4000 different searchable databases and indexes. In addition to census information, you can find historical maps, yearbooks and indexes. One of Ancestry Library’s best features is their continuous index updating and additions, so if you don’t find something today, check back in a few weeks. Here are several ways to find out more–three short tutorials provided by the Maine State Library, a two minute video and sample searches provided by Ancestry Library.  Due to contract restrictions, Ancestry Library is available only inside your public library.

Discovery Exercise:

Create a blog posting discussing the following questions and other observations you have about Ancestry Library.  This resource can be accessed via this alphabetical list.

1. Contrary to popular belief, you don’t have to be dead to be listed in Ancestry Library and can frequently find useful information in the U.S. Phone and Address Directories, 1993-2002. You may even find your marriage license. Search for your own name in Ancestry Library and report the results.

2.  In Ancestry Library, search for a grandparent or great-grandparent and see if you can locate them in the census.  Report your findings.

3.  In Ancestry Library, perform a search under the “Photos and Maps” tab for “Maine” as the keyword.  Report your findings.

Explore posts in the same categories: Ancestry

2 Comments on “Week 8 Genealogy Resources—Ancestry Library”

  1. Michelle Says:

    I have no idea why, but I seemed to have difficulty with exercise 3 on the Week 8. I just couldn’t seem to find a tab for the “Photos & Maps”. I am not sure why, I am usually pretty ok at finding what I need, but I trolled through and just couldn’t seem to track it down, LOL! I watched the video and looked through the help. I could see where it was in the video but It kind of skipped over so I couldn’t see the direct path taken. I am feeling rather dim (which I noted in my blog BTW). Curious if this is a problem limited to myself, which would be sad indeed. Thanks!

    • marvelousmaine Says:

      Sorry to take so long to get back to you on this. I think that what you’re looking for is under ‘categories’ which is one of the left side menus when you get into a result. Does that make any sense? When I played with it today, not all the things I found had pictures associated so it may not always pop up as an option.

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