Converting Continuing Education Contact Hours to Recertification Credits

Go to your school district professional development team and check with them before beginning to work on credits.  Districts usually require that you file a plan with them before you begin working on credits towards the plan.  They will also tell you how many CEUs or hours you need.

When you do find an online course to take or workshop to attend, make sure you get a certificate of completion that would include the title of the workshop, number of contact hours or hours attended, the date and facilitator’s name. Document everything.

The DOE does not issue CEUs. The DOE does set the formula for conversion of contact hours, and course credits into CEUs and vice versa.  Your local professional development/certification team should know all about this.  For your planning pleasure the “formula” is:

15 clock hours = 1.5 CEUs = 1 credit.

30 clock hours = 3.0 CEUs = 2 credits

45 clock hours = 4.5 CEUs = 3 credits

Since it takes 10 hours to get 1 CEU, you can take an hour here, 2 hours there, 4 online, etc to add up to the number of CEUs you need.

Your documentation then goes to your local professional development/certification team or person.   They approve it at the local level and send it on to the state for certification.

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